Author Archives: President RARC

4-8-19 Updates

To All,

Richfield Historical Society is having their spring clean-up on April 27th

They need help cleaning the grounds and redo their boardwalk. Please call 612.798.6140 or email If you can help. We use their facilities for all “Get On The Air Events!” Please remember this goes a long way to helping future club events.
Event starts at 9am- 4pm **Free Pizza** afterwards for workers.
6901 Lyndale Ave S.
Richfield, MN

Next meeting is….
       APRS & Final voting on ByLaws.
          Meeting will be on April 17th
             AT: 7pm- 9pm 
                7000 Nicollet Ave. 

        Club events are located here in realtime & are downloadable….

If you have other Ham related events to add to the calendar please email us regardless of affiliation. please give us… Dates, Times, Location, Attachments, & Descriptions. 

 Our club is always kid friendly and inviting to the newest ham.
    All members should attempt monitor or use our repeaters weekly.

    We need club members to help with…. 
  • Nets controllers (May’s meeting will cover this more)
  • Transportation (Drivers & passengers)
  • Recruiting committee (getting new membership)
  • Freebies committee (find free incentives for events)
  • Tech committee (help streaming meetings to members that can’t make-it)
  • Rules & Regs (keep us informed of the latest news)
  • Antenna Committee (help members with antennas)
  • Press Core (taking photos during all events for the web)
  • Fortune tellers (help with future of our clubs needs)
  • Study Group (helping get people licensed or upgraded) 
  • Youth committee (Help make kid friendly ham events)
  • GOTA Committee (We will be doing more events)
  • Weekend Committee (Plan fun days)
  • Radio operations (teach proper radio etiquette)
  • Project Team (building ham projects may include soldering & GoBoxes) 
  • Food & beverage Committee (Help have needed snacks for club events)
  • Field Day Committee (coordinate needs and wants for FD)
  • Club Wearables (patches, & shirts) 
  • ECCOMM (finding events that need hams)
  • Radio Programmers (Help members with radio programming)
  • Emergency Preparedness Group (Prepping for **** event)
  • Digital committee (all non voice communication modes)
  • Contest Group
  • 4th of July committee (We will be having an operating float in Richfield’s Parade)
  • HF Committee (Help members with all HF needs & questions)
  • Social Media Group (FB, Twitter, & ETC.)
If you know of something I am missing please email us. We need members to put their best foot in the pot. As the President I can’t do it all. You can join multi-sub-groups. I will not leave you in the cold or overwhelm anyone. This is to help all members and we our a team. Again, this is needed by all to help.  

All Call Net March 14th

ALL Call Net Drill on the 14th

All members should try to check-in if possible. This is a test drill during our normal net time of 6:30pm this Thursday. The Net will be closed to our current members for the first part and then will be open to all, and finally open discussion. This can also be called a “Role Call!” Please follow the net controllers instructions carefully because it is a different then other nets and will be used in a major call out event in some form. Another note you must check yourself out on this type off nets if you have to leave.

Quick samples for this type of net responses are….

Simple check in “A0BC”, you have nothing to add to net but checking in “A0BC Clear”, You have something for the net “A0BC Traffic”, when assigned location and ready “A0BC inservice”, You have have to leave “Recheck A0BC” then wait to response “A0BC is going out of service, or A0BC is Checking out” finally wait for confirmation and any instructions, If you need to add new comment to the net “Comment A0BC”, Status of who in the net? “Status check A0BC”.

Please be more formal on this type of net and patient because of the volume people needed. We hope everyone has fun, but learn from this type of net.

We need Net or Roundtable controllers always!

A Open Nets (Is an over-the-air meeting.)

  1. Secure the frequency using your call and club call.
  2. Net Controller starts with rules of the net and how to check-in.
  3. Net Controller shares all club announcements and asks for any additional announcements.
  4. Net Controller starts taking checks-in with any short timers or limited access locations.
  5. Net Controller’s will repeat any announcements and/or relevant information.
  6. Net Controller will ID repeatly the club’s call and their call.
  7. Controller give thanks to City of Richfield public safety & RARC near the end.
  8. Controller gives out the club’s website for more information just before ending.
  9. Give 3 chances for final check-ins.
  10. The controller will announce the next net information and a summary of this net
  11. The end the Net Controller will clear with both the club’s call & their call then return the frequency to normal use.

A Closed Nets (This is very similar, but is restricted to a selected few and asked for required attendance.)

  1. Secure frequency or Frequencies with your call, name, and the club call.
  2. Give net rules & procedures to the closed net.
  3. Give any important announcements.
  4. Start taking check-ins by one of these possible methods. (Always answer any emergency check-ins)
    • Off a list of stations only.
    • Ask for check-ins with a reportable conditions. 
    • Ask for check-ins only related to the net.
    • Ask for check-ins related to the given event only.
    • Ask for check-ins at given location only.
  5. Break periodically to get people to respond.
  6. Repeatedly state the net rules & procedures and identify that you are doing a closed net and remind all others to standby until the net is complete please.
  7. Give updates and all relevant information as needed.
  8. Give your ID, name & the club’s ID often.
  9. Give thanks to RARC and the Richfield City Public Safety for the use of it’s repeaters.
  10. When done remind the people that the repeater is now open to regular amatuer use and clear using WØRRC call and your Call.


Subnotes: (Whenever anyone checks-in to a net they should always check-out with the net controller if they have to leave early.)


A Roundtables or Round Tables (A group of 3 or more operators talking about any topics.)

  1. Secure frequency using your call.
  2. Share a topic or topics to talk about.
  3. Invite others to join in.
  4. operators can come or go at anytime.
  5. operators should rotate with others giving everyone a chance to comment.
  6. We ask to share any club information.
  7. The roundtable ends when less then three operators remain.

Our nets and Roundtables are open to all. They start at 6:30pm every Thursday on our UHF repeater 444.475 with a tone of 118.8

If special events are going on we will make additional changes as needed. 

Anyone can do roundtable at anytime because all it takes 3 or more people talking together. (aka a partyline over the radio.)


I double dog dare you! To make the biggest ham radio roundtable.

 Email us if you can help at: WØ

Net Terms and how to check-in.

Nets are fun to check-in and here is some suggestions.


  • Use your Full Call and any other information requested by the Net Control. (Always use you full call no matter what.) If you only give your last 3 of your call you have not properly Identified your station in case the Net Controller never hears you. 
  • Please use proper Phonetics and not strange codes. If Net Controller is on the ball he only needs to know 26 Phonetics.
  • When using numbers Ø is a Zero & not a “Owe”, and 9 is Nine & not Niner. (If giving a big number like 1500 you can say “One thousand, Five hundred, or Fifteen hundred, or One Five Zero Zero.” never use” * * Owe, Owe.”
  • When using “.” people can use “Decimal, Period, Dot, or Point.”
  • Always wait for the Net Control to turn it to you before giving your detail information.

Terms & procedures

  • Ways to Check-in only with nothing to add to the Net.
    • Saying your call & “Clear.” Example “KCØTJ Clear”
    • Saying your call & “No traffic.” Example “KCØTJ No traffic”
    • Your call & saying “In & Out.” Example “This is KCØTJ  In & Out.” 
    • Your call & saying “One for the count.” Example “KCØTJ one for the count.” This method is better after you check-in.
  • Saying your call and adding “for a short.” or just saying “short” after your call. this is to say that you are a “Short Timer” this means you cannot stay the whole Net and you maybe ask to check-in at a different time.
  • Saying  “Recheck” This means you are a previous check-in and have an update.
  • Saying “Comment” is a way to tell the Net Controller you have info based on the last check-in.
  • Saying “Info” is a way to add any information related to the Net or topic.
  • Saying “Contact” This is to meet another station on a different frequency off the Net frequency.
  • Saying “Relay” Is asking another station to repeat information of another station.
  • Saying “Break” This is a priority call in and is not necessarily an emergency.
  • Saying “Break Break” is an emergency, but not necessarily life or death.
  • Saying “Beak Break Break” is the same as SOS, PAN PAN PAN, and MAYDAY and Is a life or death call.
  • Saying “a 2fur, or any #fur” is saying multi check-ins under one operator. Example ” This is KCØTJ with a 2fur please copy KAØEPZ she is in the kitchen cooking”
  • Saying “Anyone Anywhere” this means typically open to anyone.
  • Saying “Taking only 9s” this means only people with 9 in their call.
  • Saying “Taking calls A through D” This refers to the letter right after your number. Example if your call was AAØE.. you must wait.
  • Open Net is open to All
  • Closed Net is restricted access
  • Formal Net is restricted by certain rules. please verify them before checking-in

Best Practices

  • Monitor the Net for all rules & procedures before checking-in.
  • Find a good location with a strong signal before calling.
  • Organize your thoughts before TXing.
  • Press PTT button then talk.
  • Use your call in Phonetics whenever possible.
  • Speak clearly and confidently.
  • Speak Slowly, and you may have to repeat your info twice this is normal.
  • Always be patient with the Net Controller.  The Net Controller might be taking notes at the same time.
  • Don’t leave the Net until you are dismissed.
  • If you need to leave the Net Check-in saying “Recheck” once you are acknowledged then say “Please check me out.” and your call. (If you coming back to the Net you might say your “Call” or “Recheck.” then ask “Please be check me back in” & your call.
  • If you need to talk to another operator on the Net please use another frequency during the Net.
  • Don’t use minimum power to check-in the Net this can make it hard for everyone and may take additional time taking away from others.
  • Keep all transmissions quick unless otherwise stated.
  • Always be friendly.

Election Results

To all members,

The 2019 elections were held at the January 16th membership meeting and our new leadership is as follows:

President – Don Clay KC0TJ
Vice President – Herman Saul W0HJS
Secretary – Paul Curtiss KE0QXV

Thanks to the 2018 officers for their service and thanks to these guys for stepping up and taking the reins in 2019!

Upcoming Events
We are planning a weekend event to the Science Museum of MN Omnitheater to see either 
Tornado Alley and/or Journey to Space, depending on the schedule on the day we choose to go.  This will be open to everyone, families, and friends.  If we can get 15+ people, tickets are discounted by $1.00.  More info to come on this!

Unfortunately, the club won’t be able to participate in Winter Field Day in an official capacity due to scheduling conflicts with our usual QTH.  Let us know if you end up participating yourself or in an informal group, we would love to hear about it!


Nets every Thurs @ 6:30pm 444.475+ PL Tone 118.8

Meetings every 3rd Wed of the month from 7-9pm (7000 Nicollet Ave S)

RARC’s Reflector All members should join

RARC’s & BARA’s Free Study Group License Exam Study Group Our website Like us on FB Our club email

Feb Meeting Minutes

Richfield ARC people Attending meeting Feb 15,2017

Avery Finn, K0HLA
Matt ? No call yet
Jason C. No call yet
Ray Obryan, KC0VSX
Tom Schneider, KE0KTD
Dan Lundwall, KD7DJL
Mike Hohmany, KE0GZT
Paul Dieteler, W0HWY
Tom Simuta, KD0 DFG
Don Clay, KC0TJ
Herm Saul, W0HJS
Chris Houkous, KC0CAL
Jeff Bekz, KG7ONF



Richfield ARC minutes Feb 15, 2017

– my tape recorder stopped working when it was hit by the sliding clip board so I may have missed some things –

Old business was first:
Minutes from December meeting approved .Meeting adjourned 2019 CST.
Report from Herm on QCWA meeting with program on cyber security.
Report from Don on Tech & General Study groups.
Lucas had a baby girl.
Repeater up-date…..
A)  Needed net controls
B) Monday call-up net on UHF machine at 6:00 pm CST.

New business:
Richfield ARC showing CERT & ARC appeared in newsletter with 3 people related to the club in the news.

Field Day ( June 24-25 ) 2017 was mentioned.
A) Question on location – possibly library location.
B) Make it a family affair – video games , etc for kids
C) Make arrangements for a press release. ( 100 extra points for it )
D) Who can bring equipment ?
E) Invite Bloomington ARC, Boy Scouts, and possibility others.
F) Beginners station – Hands on

Talked about an on the air event possibly in September like last year.
Special event station maybe ?

CERT member class – see Don

“T” Shirts – 3 or 4 possible vendors but only one can do the slash mark on the zero….. Still waiting on more information.

Meeting closed at 7:53 pm CST ( 1953 CST ).


Avery Finn, K0HLA
Richfield ARC Club Secretary

Monthly Meeting Tonight 7pm

Just a reminder the Richfield Amateur Radio Club will be holding it’s monthly meeting at the Richfield Community Center at 7pm.

All are welcome: Club Members, other Hams and Non Hams interested in the hobby or just emergency communications.

Tonight’s After meeting Activities:

Experienced Solderers Bring your Soldering Kits and any projects you want to demo

Experienced Radio Programmers bring your programing computers, cables, etc (we will be helping newer Hams program Radios)

Newer Hams please also bring the above or just your Radios (Prefer you bring at least a programing cable also just in case)

Tonight’s meeting will be short and to the point to allow for more time on the activities.

RARC Study Groups

Please invite anyone and join the if you want to be a new ham or get your General license or to help others to study. We don’t charge any fees.

We will have 2 gathering and both will be at 70th and Nicollet (Richfield Community Center) first day is March 1st Wed 7-9pm. 2nd is March 5th Sunday 2-5pm. Both days will be reviewing the same questions and anyone can go-to both. we will be covering T1, T2, G1, & G2 (This will be explained below.)

At all gatherings member’s are encouraged to take their own notes & bring a study guide to use as a reference. Anyone may ask questions to the group or any of the Elmer’s at anytime.

I am using to sub group the questions. Questions are marked as T1A, T2B, or G1A, G12A (first letter equals Tech or Gen, the number relates to the test number in a group, & last letter defines the group of a type of questions.) All test guides use this same numbering.

If you need help to understanding of a question or an idea to share please email it to and we will get back to you. We have Elemers in this group ready to help you.

This study group is for anyone to learn how to get their new ham radio license (Technician license) &/or to help anyone to learn their General license regardless of affiliations. This is sponsored primarily by Richfield Amateur Radio Club and Richfield CERT team.

Sub organizations we support are: Bloomington​ Communications Group, Bloomington Amateur Radio Association, & Minnesota Emergency Preparedness Meetup.

We encourage everyone to support the Bloomington Amateur Radio VE Team for the official testing location per their location to our gathering locations. We don’t require people to take their test to anyone testing group, but we will track Bloomington’s VE’s testing times and fees.

Finally our study group is asking everyone to spend 20mins a day to study 14 or less questions by‘s sub group sets under “Read Questions” the series of G1A, or T1A, and then use the “flash cards” of G1,  or T1 under its study sub set. Then work on G2A or T2A series and repeat.

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Presentation at SRRRMN Meeting 25 FEB ~1200

For full details please go to:


Presentation: “What were they thinking?”
Analyzing what the pilot was attempting when something went wrong.
From a CAP/Search managers point of view.

Presented by Major Tom Fitzhenry
​                                                   Director of Emergency Services Minnesota Wing CAP

Interested parties from other organizations are welcome to attend.

To All members,

I would like to thank everyone that helped to build this club. I would like everyone to thank Mark for being the longest club officer as Secretary for 2 years or in simple terms since day one of Richfield Amateur  Radio Club. Please give thanks to Clay for his term as VP. I have many more to thank and I will do that when we talk in person.


EX-President Don KC0TJ

Next our newest Club Officers are

Tom KD0DFG is the new President

Matt N0TNL is the new VP

Avery K0HLA is the New Secretary

Thank you to all that participated to night. We did call on the 444.475 rptr with no answer.  We did proxy voting if anyone could not make it.  We had everyone That was able to vote at the meeting voting. With that being said no officer ran unopposed.