Tag Archives: Information

We need Net or Roundtable controllers always!

A Open Nets (Is an over-the-air meeting.)

  1. Secure the frequency using your call and club call.
  2. Net Controller starts with rules of the net and how to check-in.
  3. Net Controller shares all club announcements and asks for any additional announcements.
  4. Net Controller starts taking checks-in with any short timers or limited access locations.
  5. Net Controller’s will repeat any announcements and/or relevant information.
  6. Net Controller will ID repeatly the club’s call and their call.
  7. Controller give thanks to City of Richfield public safety & RARC near the end.
  8. Controller gives out the club’s website for more information just before ending.
  9. Give 3 chances for final check-ins.
  10. The controller will announce the next net information and a summary of this net
  11. The end the Net Controller will clear with both the club’s call & their call then return the frequency to normal use.

A Closed Nets (This is very similar, but is restricted to a selected few and asked for required attendance.)

  1. Secure frequency or Frequencies with your call, name, and the club call.
  2. Give net rules & procedures to the closed net.
  3. Give any important announcements.
  4. Start taking check-ins by one of these possible methods. (Always answer any emergency check-ins)
    • Off a list of stations only.
    • Ask for check-ins with a reportable conditions. 
    • Ask for check-ins only related to the net.
    • Ask for check-ins related to the given event only.
    • Ask for check-ins at given location only.
  5. Break periodically to get people to respond.
  6. Repeatedly state the net rules & procedures and identify that you are doing a closed net and remind all others to standby until the net is complete please.
  7. Give updates and all relevant information as needed.
  8. Give your ID, name & the club’s ID often.
  9. Give thanks to RARC and the Richfield City Public Safety for the use of it’s repeaters.
  10. When done remind the people that the repeater is now open to regular amatuer use and clear using WØRRC call and your Call.


Subnotes: (Whenever anyone checks-in to a net they should always check-out with the net controller if they have to leave early.)


A Roundtables or Round Tables (A group of 3 or more operators talking about any topics.)

  1. Secure frequency using your call.
  2. Share a topic or topics to talk about.
  3. Invite others to join in.
  4. operators can come or go at anytime.
  5. operators should rotate with others giving everyone a chance to comment.
  6. We ask to share any club information.
  7. The roundtable ends when less then three operators remain.

Our nets and Roundtables are open to all. They start at 6:30pm every Thursday on our UHF repeater 444.475 with a tone of 118.8

If special events are going on we will make additional changes as needed. 

Anyone can do roundtable at anytime because all it takes 3 or more people talking together. (aka a partyline over the radio.)


I double dog dare you! To make the biggest ham radio roundtable.

 Email us if you can help at: WØRRC.RARC@gmail.com


RARC’s  Field Day Script


Responding to a Caller.

“Alpha nine Delta Foxtrot standing by!”

  1. We only say “Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie!”  until they acknowledge us.

IF they have a partial of our call then you say “Negative Negative” and repeat our call once or many times until they have it.

  1. When they confirmed our call they will give us their “Class and Section.” We will log that with their call.

Make sure that we have it correct or ask to “Repeat Repeat!”  or “Again Again!” until you have it right!

  1. Then give our class and section. “Please Copy… 3 Alpha… Mike November!” again confirm that they got it.

IF wrong repeat our Class and/or Section only as needed!

  1. If all is right then say “QSL” or “Good luck!”


Then move on to the next Caller.


  1. A number given for how many transmitters is running at one time

  2. A letter is given to indicate type of station and can only be… A, B, C, D, E, F.


  • Is location using 2 or 3 letters in the USA & Canada Examples…

LAX(Los Angeles), STX(South Texas), SNJ(South New Jersey), NFL(Northern Florida), MN(Minnesota), MI(Michigan), SD(South Dakota), BC(British Columbia), & NT(Northern Territories).



We Call for others…

 Always verify the frequency is clear before calling!

CQ CQ CQ, This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie, CQ CQ CQ This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie and standing by!


  1. Keep calling with with 1 to 2 second pauses

  2. If you hear someone Repeat their Call to confirm it

  3. If confirmed then give our Class & Section “Please Copy 3 Alpha Mike November QSL

  4. Confirm their Class & Section by “We Copy” & repeat their Class & Section

  5. If wrong.. Have them repeat it until right!

  6. If Signal fades out… Say their Call and “Please try us later!

  7. End by saying “QSL” or “Good luck!



  • QRZ this is Whiskey Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie and standing by!


  • CQ CQ CQ, This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie, CQ CQ CQ This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie Calling and standing by!


Always let others know when you have cleared the frequency!


Finally always use proper phonetics with our information!


Please Sign-up Today @ https://goo.gl/forms/JSo9IR5b5xsDkZNg1