Richfield Historical Society is having their spring clean-up on April 27th
They need help cleaning the grounds and redo their boardwalk. Please call 612.798.6140 or email If you can help. We use their facilities for all “Get On The Air Events!” Please remember this goes a long way to helping future club events.
Event starts at 9am- 4pm **Free Pizza** afterwards for workers.
6901 Lyndale Ave S.
Richfield, MN
Next meeting is…. APRS & Final voting on ByLaws. Meeting will be on April 17th AT: 7pm- 9pm 7000 Nicollet Ave.
Calendar.. Club events are located here in realtime & are downloadable…. If you have other Ham related events to add to the calendar please email us regardless of affiliation. please give us… Dates, Times, Location, Attachments, & Descriptions.
Remember… Our club is always kid friendly and inviting to the newest ham. All members should attempt monitor or use our repeaters weekly.
Lastly… We need club members to help with….
Nets controllers (May’s meeting will cover this more)
Transportation (Drivers & passengers)
Recruiting committee (getting new membership)
Freebies committee (find free incentives for events)
Tech committee (help streaming meetings to members that can’t make-it)
Rules & Regs (keep us informed of the latest news)
Antenna Committee (help members with antennas)
Press Core (taking photos during all events for the web)
Fortune tellers (help with future of our clubs needs)
Study Group (helping get people licensed or upgraded)
Youth committee (Help make kid friendly ham events)
GOTA Committee (We will be doing more events)
Weekend Committee (Plan fun days)
Radio operations (teach proper radio etiquette)
Project Team (building ham projects may include soldering & GoBoxes)
Food & beverage Committee (Help have needed snacks for club events)
Field Day Committee (coordinate needs and wants for FD)
Club Wearables (patches, & shirts)
ECCOMM (finding events that need hams)
Radio Programmers (Help members with radio programming)
Emergency Preparedness Group (Prepping for **** event)
Digital committee (all non voice communication modes)
Contest Group
4th of July committee (We will be having an operating float in Richfield’s Parade)
HF Committee (Help members with all HF needs & questions)
Social Media Group (FB, Twitter, & ETC.)
If you know of something I am missing please email us. We need members to put their best foot in the pot. As the President I can’t do it all. You can join multi-sub-groups. I will not leave you in the cold or overwhelm anyone. This is to help all members and we our a team. Again, this is needed by all to help.