RARC January, 15th, 2025 Meeting
Wednesday, January 15th will be the first RARC meeting of 2025. 7 pm at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicollet Ave, Richfield 55423. Talk in on 444.475 pl 103.5. Topics to include Election of officers. I am stepping down as secretary, so we will need someone to fill that role. Brent will make a presentation on APRS, preparation for winter field day, January 25th 2025 which will be held at the Community center.
Weekly net is held every Thursday at 6:30 pm on the 145.39 MHz repeater DCS047. We are always looking for people to take a turn as net control. It’s easy, there is a script and a great group of hams to help you along.
RARC Secretary