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RARC January, 15th, 2025 Meeting

Wednesday, January 15th will be the first RARC meeting of 2025. 7 pm at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicollet Ave, Richfield 55423. Talk in on 444.475 pl 103.5. Topics to include Election of officers. I am stepping down as secretary, so we will need someone to fill that role. Brent will make a presentation on APRS, preparation for winter field day, January 25th 2025 which will be held at the Community center.

Weekly net is held every Thursday at 6:30 pm on the 145.39 MHz repeater DCS047. We are always looking for people to take a turn as net control. It’s easy, there is a script and a great group of hams to help you along.



RARC Secretary

RARC December 2024 Meeting

The RARC will meet on the Discord app for the Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 meeting, 7 pm. If you would like an invite code, send an email to The ARRL January VHF contest begins on January 18th. See for detail on time and rules. The RARC will meet on January 25th for winter field day at the Richfield Community Center. We will start setup at about 10 am, contacts begin at 1 pm until we get bored.


RARC secretary

RARC November 20th, 2024 meeting will include a presentation on DMR

Wednesday, November 20th 2024 the RARC will meet at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicollet, 7 pm. Topics to include planning for winter field day and other events. There will be a presentation by Trygve KB0PNQ on DMR radio. He is also bringing two Anytone DMR D878UV HTs for sale at $100 each. Talk in on 444.475 pl103.5

The December 18th meeting will be held on Discord. If you would like to receive an invite code for the W0RRC Discord server, send an Email to


Paul KE0QXV RARC Secretary

RARC October meeting on Wednesday the 16th

This Wednesday, October 16th the RARC will meet at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicolette Ave at 7 pm (Talk in on 444.475 pl tone 103.5). Topics to include review of North Star Radio convention, upcoming events, and a presentation by John N0EAS on emergency communication co-ordination from the state of Minnesota perspective. A timely topic with opportunities for licensed amateurs.



RARC Secretary

RARC Meeting August 21st

RARC will meet at 7 pm, Wednesday, August 21st. 7000 Nicollet Ave, Richfield 55423

Talk in on 444.475 pl 103.5

Topics to include the Northstar Radio Convention, Yagi assembly presentation, planning for future events.

The Northstar Radio Convention will be held Saturday, October 5th 2024 at Hennepin Technical College North Campus in Broolyn Park, MN. for information.

Paul KE0QXV RARC secretary

Call for amateur radio volunteers for 7-27-2024 Richfield Urban half marathon

Most have not met me as of yet, I am Nick Schipp, the new CERT Coordinator for the City of Richfield. I am sending this email out on behalf of the leadership to request assistance for the Urban Wildlife Half-Marathon coming up on July 27th 2024. The race is set to start at 0700 hours. We are looking for volunteers to man posts along the race route to provide traffic control for the safety of the runners. I know this has been a pretty popular event in the past. 

  • Meet time will be at the Richfield Police Department at 0530 hours on 07/27/2024.
  • End time for the race is estimated to be around 1030 hours. 
  • There are 12 posts to be manned. Most posts will be two people
  • There are a couple that will be four person posts

The sign up sheet link is below. Please sign up ASAP so that I can provide the event coordinators with numbers and to plan out the posts.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me or call me at 612-490-9292.

RARC June 19th meeting will be held at the garage of KE0QXV

Due to the holiday on Wednesday, the June meeting will be held at the garage of KE0QXV, 7 pm. If you need directions, email Talk in on 444.475 pl 103.5. Topics to include Field Day 2024 preparation, cheap 2m Yagi presentation for the North Star Radio Convention, among other things.

RARC will participate in the 2024 Field Day at the Richfield Community Center, 7000 Nicollet Ave, lower level on June 22nd. Set up at 10am, begin operating at 1 pm, tear down at about dusk. There will be a variety of radios and antennas, so join us and try out radios and operating.