Tag Archives: everyone


RARC’s  Field Day Script


Responding to a Caller.

“Alpha nine Delta Foxtrot standing by!”

  1. We only say “Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie!”  until they acknowledge us.

IF they have a partial of our call then you say “Negative Negative” and repeat our call once or many times until they have it.

  1. When they confirmed our call they will give us their “Class and Section.” We will log that with their call.

Make sure that we have it correct or ask to “Repeat Repeat!”  or “Again Again!” until you have it right!

  1. Then give our class and section. “Please Copy… 3 Alpha… Mike November!” again confirm that they got it.

IF wrong repeat our Class and/or Section only as needed!

  1. If all is right then say “QSL” or “Good luck!”


Then move on to the next Caller.


  1. A number given for how many transmitters is running at one time

  2. A letter is given to indicate type of station and can only be… A, B, C, D, E, F.


  • Is location using 2 or 3 letters in the USA & Canada Examples…

LAX(Los Angeles), STX(South Texas), SNJ(South New Jersey), NFL(Northern Florida), MN(Minnesota), MI(Michigan), SD(South Dakota), BC(British Columbia), & NT(Northern Territories).



We Call for others…

 Always verify the frequency is clear before calling!

CQ CQ CQ, This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie, CQ CQ CQ This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie and standing by!


  1. Keep calling with with 1 to 2 second pauses

  2. If you hear someone Repeat their Call to confirm it

  3. If confirmed then give our Class & Section “Please Copy 3 Alpha Mike November QSL

  4. Confirm their Class & Section by “We Copy” & repeat their Class & Section

  5. If wrong.. Have them repeat it until right!

  6. If Signal fades out… Say their Call and “Please try us later!

  7. End by saying “QSL” or “Good luck!



  • QRZ this is Whiskey Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie and standing by!


  • CQ CQ CQ, This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie, CQ CQ CQ This is Whisky Zero Romeo Romeo Charlie Calling and standing by!


Always let others know when you have cleared the frequency!


Finally always use proper phonetics with our information!


Please Sign-up Today @ https://goo.gl/forms/JSo9IR5b5xsDkZNg1

Club Elections are coming!

Greetings members..

Dec meeting is the 3rd Wed of Dec. at Richfield community center 70th and nic. richfield Mn.

we have officers to get in the running for the Jan meeting voting.I would also make it a pot luck for the Dec meeting. We also have winter field day to talk about.  We have changed the Thurs round table net to 18:30 and need net control operators to sign up.would like to get the net covered for 2 months net control operators and keep it going from there. The Gota Event went well thank you to all who helped.

Yours In service


Officers needed