DMR UHF SIMPLEX EVENT Thursday, May 20th 2021 at 7:30PM On… 446.075 M h z (DPLX) TalkGroup 99 TimeSlot 1 ColorCode 1 Moderators are… KCØBBK Galen, NØNWH Tom, & KCØTJ Don
Is a great mode however most have only a UHF DMR radio, and we wanted to help you. This event is always open to anyone. No club affiliation is ever required for this event. Galen, Tom, and Don will try to help everyone to get on. We will be monitoring 444.475 analog Repeater for support during this event. Please test your radio(s) anytime before this event on 446.075Mhz. The 446.075Mhz is a national simplex for DMR and is open to anyone anytime. This frequency should be in DMRPLX ZONE (National Simplex) on most CodePlugs already to make it easy. Contact us @ or 4 Q’s
I first want to thank all groups and fellow hams helping me to share this. I have been ask why? I feel that I needed to add more details based on what I have heard, so I will try to explain this event.
This idea was inspired by my friend Tom N0NWH. We wanted to try these modes not using any repeater, and see how it compares. We invite you to participate in this unique opportunity. I personally don’t know how this will turn out, but my hope is everyone has fun. I will be using the same antenna on all modes this will come with a little delay to patch to the next radio. I don’t want it to be a formal net, but a roundtable with everyone is equally important. I may ask you to help with Relays of others and give Signal reports. Remember that digital signals are all or nothing, and this means the S-meter is the only reference. When you are too weak of a signal you will sound like R2D2 and not scratchy like a FM signal. When keying up please give a 1/2 sec pause before speaking and give another 1/2 a second before unkeying or say “Over!” at the end. I also got the green light to use 147.090 repeater as a traditional FM support frequency. I will try to have someone there to help, plus I will try to listen as well. Again, this is not affiliated with any club, group, and is a friendly event with friends. I will be doing 50 watts on all modes and same antenna. Please setup your radio to it’s highest power and aim your antennas to the MOA if you are on the fringe. I am very lighthearted and want the same from you. If this works well, I will do something similar again. I will be happy to share this experience to any club that request it, but need your input as well. (Even if you just receiving this test.) Again, I am using Richfield’s and Bloomington’s Clubs as my conduit you do not have to join these great clubs to be involved. In short have fun!
Please use High power and your best antenna!
Fusion set to 147.525 in DN mode this seems to travel farther than VW.
DMR is already in Galen’s codeplug so it should be very easy. 145.790 Timeslot 2, Talkgroup 99, & ColorCode 1.
DSTAR 145.710 DR mode MYC: (is your licensed call) UR: (CQCQCQ) and don’t use! RPT1: RPT2:
DSTAR was the most challenging one to set up, and I spent hours to figure it out, and what frequency to use. The posted National Frequency is being used for other resources that I respect. According to Minnesota Repeater Council band information it stated the frequency I pick is the experimental part of the band.
Next meeting is annual elections. All members with valid license can run. please email the club if you like to be President, VP, or Secretary. Don is stepping down as President this term.
We will continue working on the official club radio Aka the Jeff Box. This radio will be used on all club events as the talk-in radio. please bring any Ideas, bling, parts, & accessories. currently we have power supply, and the radio. We need a case, and accessories. The club radio is a Chi-Com copy of a FT-8800R. Please email us for your ideas or bring it to the meeting to make the radio station work.
This is the big meeting for anyone interested in Fusion, WIRES-X, or on our repeaters upgrade information.
We’re going to be having Mr. Yaesu Fusion Guy come to visit us. Please watch his current video
We are setting up for you.
We have eliminated November’s business meeting to next month to accommodate the maximum amount time to John’s presentation. We will start at 7pm sharp. Location is moved to the Augsburg Room from the Ruth Johnson Room at the community center to add more space. (Same as our Field Day Room.)
Will our planning to talk about basics of C4FM, WIRES-X, & quick comparison of DR-1X to DR-2X.
Oct 9th at the Richfield Community Center we are talking on Yeasu’s Fusion WiRES-XRooms. Setup starts at 6pm and ends at 9pm in the Ruth Johnson Room. This is to Talk on the Richfield’s Repeater 145.390 and talk around the world using the WiRES-X Rooms to link along the way. Some rooms are The DARC (28439) Room, MnWis (21493), America’s Link (21080), Texas Nexus (21636) and many more.
This event is free to all interested, and is an indoor event.
We need to have people on the air and on location. We are going to be sharing our location with Richfield CERT van again, and we will need supplies please email to see how you can help.
With a stretch of nice weather in the forecast, it’s time to dust off the transmitter hunting gear! This Thursday (8/29/19), the Bloomington Amateur Radio Association will be hosting a transmitter hunt, beginning at 6:30 PM at Bloomington Civic Plaza from the parking lot on the west side of the building (near the southwest entrance).
The field of play will be the City of Bloomington, bounded on the west by US HWY 169, to the north by I-494, and to the south and east by the Minnesota River.
Format: Two hidden transmitters; one 500 mW to 1 W, the other 10-20 mW and in the general vicinity of the stronger transmitter. The transmitters will be on alternate 1-minute transmit windows.
Accessibility: A vehicle will be required for finding the transmitters, but at-home operators (in Bloomington and possibly surrounding municipalities) with omnidirectional or directional antennas can still contribute with coordinated hunting (see Resources below for tips from WB4APR). On-foot hunting is expected to take up to a mile of walking on sidewalks, dirt/grass paths, or over cut grass.
Difficulty: This is intended to be a beginner-friendly event, and those without directional antennas are encouraged to take part in a coordinated hunt (see Resources below). With sunset at 7:56 PM, the event will be complete around 8:00–8:15 PM.
Frequencies: Two hidden transmitters: 146.565 MHz FM Safety and administrative: 147.090 MHz, +600 kHz, no tone, analog FM (KD0CL VHF repeater) Coordinated hunting: 444.375 MHz, +5 MHz, DCS 047 (TX and RX), analog FM (KD0CL UHF repeater; repeater is Yaesu C4FM capable, but please use analog for this event)
Our transportation committee is always looking for new drivers to help other members get two meetings and activities.
Net Community is also looking for new net controllers it is fun, easy, and scripts are available.
Looking for a members to help set-up our October Get On The Air Event.
We always appreciate members using, and listening to our repeaters daily. Our goal have someone always ready to answer the call. We have a great radio system free to all and needs to be used.
Anyone wants to get there license or an upgrade let’s help everyone everytime.
Other events needing hams to help are Twin Cities Marathon, & Burnsville fire muster.
Please email: for more information.
Again, this is our club and we can make a difference to all.
The 2019 Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon Weekend is fast approaching, so mark your calendars for
* Sunday, October 6 (Marathon & Medtronic TC 10 Mile
If you wish to volunteer for the 2019 race medical team (Sunday), please register online by September 22. Early registration ensures you are on the team and have a secured position. We are staffing the marathon and the 10 mile as independent races to allow shorter shifts, but you can sign up for both races. We are using the RaceSafe platform for medical volunteer registration again this year so if you registered last year, you will just update changes in your status for this year. For those of you who are new, you will need to access the website and download the app to your phone as outlined below. The volunteer list will be available for other Twin Cities In Motion events so it will be easy for you to volunteer if you choose to do so. If you are not available for this year’s race, but wish to remain on the list for future years, please register and you will appear on our lists for future events.
We are still in the planning stages and always looking for suggestions to improve our medical team.
Race Day Logistics: The medical section coordinators will be setting up race day assignments by September 22, so please register as soon as possible. You will get an email with your assignment, report times, and a map of the location as soon as we make assignments. If you would like to remain in your previous post, please note where you have worked in past years and we will do our best to make this happen. If you have a medical license and you enter it in the registration process, you will automatically be in our medical liability plan.
To Register in RaceSafe please complete the following steps:
1. Create an account or Login by going to the event specific links below for Sunday (marathon & 10 mile) Sunday (marathon and ten mile)
Please note there are 10 mile shifts and marathon shifts.
If you have an existing RaceSafe login, please click the link above to get to RaceSafe and then click the login link. Your login is your email. Hopefully, you remember your password.
If you are signing up for the first time, click on the link above and fill in the requested information. You will receive an authentication email at the email you provide with an activation link that you must click on to create an account.
2. Please go through the registration wizard and fill out all mandatory fields. If you are a provider without a license, please type in “unlicensed” or “none”. For those with existing accounts please update your profile in the dashboard if your information has changed since your last volunteer experience.
Select the event you are volunteering for from the dashboard and choose the correct volunteer position that applies to you. They have been divided up to make the check-in process on race day quicker and easier.
In the “Comment section”: If you have worked medical before, please enter your past medical assignments and your qualifications here. If you have foreign language skills, please include that here.
Complete the registration process by watching the videos. You will receive a confirmation email afterwards confirming your registration is complete.
Physical Therapists will receive final assignments from Kelly Roberts Lane.
3. Download RaceSafe on the Apple App Store or Google Play if you don’t have it already. If you do have it make sure you update the app (there have been some updates over the past year).
If you are registering for both days, please go back to your dashboard and add the second day to your events, repeating the same steps as before. You will not have to download the app a second time.
4. After “Account Creation” and “RaceSafe app download,” please go through all the training slides and click “I have completed the training.” This only takes around 10 minutes. Be sure to click “I have completed the training” on the last slide.
Success! Now, on race day you will be able to access the app from your Apple or Android phone/tablet to do your part in keeping participants safe.
We will use the following categories to make assignments. The sign-up includes locations like finish line or course; and “are you working with a group list”:
* National Ski Patrol OEC Course Teams
* Communications Teams
* Ramsey County/UMN Med Reserve Corps
* MATA ATC Finish Chute Triage Team
* National Mountain Bike Patrol Teams
* EMT Osseo/SLP Triage Teams
* EMT Independent
* Paramedic
* IHCC (Inver Hills) Student Association Triage Team * Regions Critical Care and Arrest Teams * Red Cross EMT/First Responders * RaceGuards
During the sign up, please specify your role from the following categories (found under “background” in your user profile):