I first want to thank all groups and fellow hams helping me to share this. I have been ask why? I feel that I needed to add more details based on what I have heard, so I will try to explain this event.
This idea was inspired by my friend Tom N0NWH. We wanted to try these modes not using any repeater, and see how it compares. We invite you to participate in this unique opportunity. I personally don’t know how this will turn out, but my hope is everyone has fun. I will be using the same antenna on all modes this will come with a little delay to patch to the next radio. I don’t want it to be a formal net, but a roundtable with everyone is equally important. I may ask you to help with Relays of others and give Signal reports. Remember that digital signals are all or nothing, and this means the S-meter is the only reference. When you are too weak of a signal you will sound like R2D2 and not scratchy like a FM signal. When keying up please give a 1/2 sec pause before speaking and give another 1/2 a second before unkeying or say “Over!” at the end. I also got the green light to use 147.090 repeater as a traditional FM support frequency. I will try to have someone there to help, plus I will try to listen as well. Again, this is not affiliated with any club, group, and is a friendly event with friends. I will be doing 50 watts on all modes and same antenna. Please setup your radio to it’s highest power and aim your antennas to the MOA if you are on the fringe. I am very lighthearted and want the same from you. If this works well, I will do something similar again. I will be happy to share this experience to any club that request it, but need your input as well. (Even if you just receiving this test.) Again, I am using Richfield’s and Bloomington’s Clubs as my conduit you do not have to join these great clubs to be involved. In short have fun!
Please use High power and your best antenna!
Fusion set to 147.525 in DN mode this seems to travel farther than VW.
DMR is already in Galen’s codeplug so it should be very easy. 145.790 Timeslot 2, Talkgroup 99, & ColorCode 1.
DSTAR 145.710 DR mode MYC: (is your licensed call) UR: (CQCQCQ) and don’t use! RPT1: RPT2:
DSTAR was the most challenging one to set up, and I spent hours to figure it out, and what frequency to use. The posted National Frequency is being used for other resources that I respect. According to Minnesota Repeater Council band information it stated the frequency I pick is the experimental part of the band.
Thanks, Don KC0TJ and Tom N0NWH