May 15th meeting

TO All,

Our monthly meeting is this Wednesday, Topics are “NET Training” This will have role playing examples of many variations of nets and being interactive. Our goal is to have fun and know the different types of nets (formal (closed, or All Calls), informal (Normal Nets, or Gaming Nets), & Round Tables (Tech Nets, informational, or Discussion Nets). We will cover terms, the how to’s, & Q&A’s. We hope everyone feels comfortable to help us with our weekly nets by the end. 

2nd Part… Is a brief look at the Field Day event. We need a (Go To Person) or a (Go To Group). Field Day in briefest summary is… The biggest ham event that happens annually. This year is on June 22-23 weekend that is a Get-On-The-Air Event in a 24 hour period and is open to all. We only charge people if they want a rib dinner made by one of our members for his expenses. We do many side activities including non-alcoholic refreshments and snacks donated by members. Most of our event is already setup.

12/97 members have finished our club’s survey This is not tracking any emails. We are trying to improve RARC by using this survey. We will be closing this survey Wednesday before the meeting. We are going to review the greatresponses at the meeting. CLICK HERE! 
May 22nd @ 7pm… 4th Wednesday is our Informal Gathering having 12 chairs set together at Perkins (494 & France Ave.) The 1st person arrives needs to make the setup. We ask everyone orders a menu item. Perkins doesn’t have any advance reservations, but will setup for 12 people anytime. Please use RARC “Rock!” when reserving a space so people can find us!Family’s are welcome, Next month we might change locations.
May 25th… Get-On-The-Air needs a new location, or change to June 1st, but we will need someone to take lead.

Finally remember every club meeting 
we will try to revisita Basic Ham Radio related topic that we might have forgotten or was not in the test, Help with your Radio Programming Questions, and an Emergency Preparedness minute.

I will see you soon, 
Don Pres KC0TJ

Nets every Thurs @ 6:30pm 444.475+ PL Tone 118.8

Formal Meetings every 3rd Wed of the month from 7-9pm (7000 Nicollet Ave S)

Informal Gathering every 4th Wed starting at 7pm at a restaurant (Must buy a menu item.)

RARC’s Calendar  This is a realtime calendar all members should join
RARC’s Reflector All members should join

RARC’s & BARA’s Free Study Group License Exam Study Group (Needs a new Chair) Our website Like us on FB Our club email