TO All,
A couple updates & events…
Our Bylaws & Constitution was passed and will be updated to the web soon.
Still need more people to take our survey nets dates might change based on 6 members responses.
Richfield Historical Society still needs help with spring clean-up & boardwalk building April 27 starting at 9am. (6901 Lyndale Ave.) Please call 612-968-8074. (The Historical Society hosts our 1st permanent club station.)
We will meet at Perkins (4201 W 78th St, Bloomington) April 24th 7pm for a very informal gathering for all. We will setup for 12 people to sit together. We ask people to order a food or a drink item, & RARC will not be paying for anyone’s orders. We have no advance reservations, but ask for “RARC (Rock)” when entering to find us.
MAY 15th next meeting… “Net Training and Pre-Field Day planning.” We need a Chairperson or Co-chairs for FD…
Next “Get On The Air Event” will be on May 25th 10am – 2pm… (Unknown Location)
Finally Happy Easter,