Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the June meeting.
Tom KE0KTD (President)
Brian KE0MCV
Mike KE0GZT (vice president)
Don KC0TJ (club advisor)
Jeff KG7ONF (secretary)
Sam (future ham radio operator)
Meeting minutes -Field Day was a great success. Thanks to Bill the Fox hunt was a great time. 63 people showed up and we made 187 contacts, 60 of which were from Herman. Lewis had many compliments for his cooking. People were talking about the food after field day and are looking forward to next year. Our club model for field day is a great example that other clubs are interested in following to get the hobby to grow in the community.
we are planning on having a setup for Penn fest in Richfield on September 16th and we are planning a Get On The Air (GOTA) event the Saturday after on September 22nd. It will be from 12-4 p.m. and we are looking to have it at the community center.
Don gave us a demonstration on the HT’s of the second and third harmonics of a Radio signal which was pretty interesting to learn about.
we are still having a problem with interference on our repeater. Keep monitoring the repeater and report it if there is any interference.
Finally the club is trying to get the study group going again. more details to come but let us know if you want to join us.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting and hearing you on Thursday during the club net. Our next meeting is on August 15th at the Richfield community center at 7pm.