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Some of RARC’s core values

  1. ARRL membership is encouraged
  2. Basic antenna building and basic testing
  3. Basic soldering skills
  4. Club members collaborating knowledge of ham radio
  5. Emergency preparedness ready
  6. Encourage members to upgrade their license class
  7. Encourage people to become a new ham radio operator
  8. Experiment with new ideas and reevaluate as needed
  9. Field Day is a club event for all. All members will try to participate even if not at RARC’s FD site
  10. Have many Get-on-air events for all
  11. Help and support good radio practices
  12. Help and welcome anyone new to the hobby
  13. Learning by Hands on experience whenever possible
  14. Maintain a low key and informal environment to all members
  15. Micro-Shack (local low powered backup communications at given key locations)
  16. Monitor and use the Richfield repeaters whenever possible
  17. On location survival ready
  18. Open to all and inviting to all
  19. Support & backup city’s MOC & EOC
  20. Support AERO Training Classes
  21. Support ARES & RACES groups
  22. Support BARA
  23. Support BCG
  24. Support CERT activities
  25. Support event communications
  26. Support Richfield City events and needs
  27. We encourage members to be involved with Metro Skywarn
  28. We encourage members to join other radio clubs
  29. We support all local and statewide emergency management
  30. We support the Yaesu’s Fusion System
  31. We will have open to all weekly nets or roundtables

We should always support our hobby and remember this is a hobby that can save lives.

Don Pres of RARC…