To Members, Friends, Family, & Guests,
Our Omni Theater events are cancelled. I have had one person signed up other than me. So I am forced to cancel both days. I will be using Signup Genius in future club sign-ups. All members must be ready for future opportunities using this tool including Field Day. This is a free service and is used by many organizations and will be used by us.
We will still be having our next club meeting on the 20th as normal. Our Monthly meeting is reviewing the bylaws for changes & programming your Chi-com radios.
In the future we will have other weekend fun activities with no club business (However we may ask for future Ideas). We will be making time at every monthly meeting to help do a quick radio programing of all brands, an emergency preparedness minute, and we will be touching on the basics and reviews of what everyone should know added to every monthly agenda.
Our leadership is committed to getting everyone on the air and doing hands on activities. we will be looking in to digital modes, soldering, antennas, goboxes, APRS, radio related videos with comments afterwards and many other ham friendly events this year.
KC0TJ President
Remember this is your club and we need your help to keep it fun and relevant.