May meeting minutes

I thank everyone who was able to come to this past month’s meeting.

Tom (president) KT0KTD

David KE0INK

Matt (advisor) N0TNL

Craig WB0WXN


Jeff (KG7ONF)

Hermon W0HJS

Mike (Vice President) KE0GZT

Don (adviser) KC0TJ

Brian KE0MCV

Justin AE0RF

Old Minutes/Old business-went over the minutes of the last meeting. Finer Meats Moblie canteen will be setting up in our parking lot for field day for food for guests. Mike (KD8JIR) will bring his ham radio in his RV for field day for a demonstration for how to use Ham Radio for people who like to travel. Bill from BARA is looking to set up a 3A setup for Field Day. Bill might have side gigs for field day such as moon bounce and CW (Morse code), and Jeff will bring his homemade tape measure yagi antenna to for field day. Coffee will be provided by 5 watt.

New business-Luis will be taking money for ribs up until the meeting before field in Field Day in June. Anybody willing to help with anything for Field Day will be a big help, especially with making sure we have enough supplies for cleanup, setup and take down for field day. Don will be doing demonstrations for programming different radios throughout Field Day. VHF/UHF sprint contest on June 9/10. The model of our club is expanding. A club member who has moved to another state is asking for advice on how to get a club in his area started and model it after our club. Don has met with the President of the ARRL and the President was curious on how we have a growing membership in a hobby that isn’t as popular as it used to be. “Crazy ideas” such as games like Battle Ship on radio make it fun for people to get on the air and play. Check out This Week in Tech. (TWIT) they have a show called Ham Nation, an excellent show about Ham Radio. Celebrities such as Tim Allen have got their license and has made the hobby more popular. Project Intercept is taking youth and trying to give them skills to make them more employable. They want to help kids get their license and Tom has been approached to try and help make this possible. Matt (N0TNL) received the Robert Dunbar Award from the Civil Air Patrol for his work with the CAP in communications.

Our last meeting before Field Day is June 20th. I hope to see as many people as possible to go over any final details of field day. This is our chance to show everybody what our club is capable of doing and get more people involved in this exciting hobby.