Thank you for everyone who attended our March meeting.
Vice President Mike KE0GZT
Secretary Jeff KG7ONF
Adviser Don KC0TJ
Adviser Matt N0TNL
Ruthann KA0EPZ
Mary (no call sign) Richfield Historical Society
Herm W0HJS
Paul W0HWY
Aaron WB9CFN
Unoffically by phone Brian KE0MCT
Planning for Field Day, Getting in touch with Bloomington Club, Equipment for Field Day,
Talking about upcoming events 4th of July, Penn Fest, marathons, etc.
Midwinter madness at the Buffalo civic center
Brainerd Hamfest on 7 April
Superior Hamfest
Old Business-None
New Business-
Richfield Historical Society was happy to receive a card from our club for the GOTA event and said we are allowed to use the building again for any upcoming events.
Lewis is planning on doing ribs again this year for Field Day, we are trying to get in contact with him to get the details sorted out.
Ruthann is going to try and get in touch with the local new media to cover the story
We are going coordinate with BARA about the radios and antennas that we want to bring to Field Day
Don went over the different Google Drive folders that he has been creating for the club and for Field Day
We talked about how Field Day works, how the points work, how we like to run Field Day to make it more enjoyable for everyone
After the meeting we had people go down and see the layout of the basement of the community center
It has been exciting to see that participation at our club meetings has been growing every month and we hope to continue to see that trend. We appreciate everyone that is able to come to the meetings and be a part of the planning of the upcoming activities . We are looking at an exciting year of activities that our club can participate in and we have a great opportunity to help make our club grow and be more involved in our city. We hope to see everyone who is able to attend our next meeting on April 18th.